29Friends 33Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
I am Calvin Cellona, a Sophomore Management student in Ateneo de Manila University. I play volleyball, watch a lot of movies and enjoy hanging out with my friends. Follow my Plurks, but beware of sabaw ones from time to time! Hahaha!
Calvin says
14 years ago
Je pense toujours a vous.
Calvin says
14 years ago 3
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Calvin says
14 years ago 2
Sometimes, I just wish everything is normal.
Calvin says
14 years ago
"The Day the Saucers Came" by Neil Gaiman is the best-est poem ever. The ending was too good. Google it. :-)
Calvin says
14 years ago
I really, really, really want to stick to my New Year's Resolution and be nice.:-( But things are going against it.
Calvin says
14 years ago 1
Tess: Tell me a new lie! Sean: I don't love you.
Calvin says
14 years ago 5
Je suis desole.
Calvin says
14 years ago 8
Naaasar ako sa kaaway ni Mike Chanyungkie. Feeler na yun nung high school pa lang. Hay, ang war freak ko talaga. Sarap mang-away. (angry)
Calvin is
14 years ago
in Accounting class. Hihihi.
Calvin says
14 years ago
may tarot card reader sa tabi kong table sa Starbucks. (LOL)