The Kev
35Friends 20Fans
male Philippines
Disengage safety
Load ammo
Cock the gun
Assume the proper firing stance
Line target with sights
Open fire

The Kev is
15 years ago
gonna go smoke, brb.
The Kev says
15 years ago
well shit.
The Kev says
15 years ago
Just... one word: putangina.
The Kev says
15 years ago
Happy New Year plurkers! :-D
The Kev says
15 years ago
agh fuck lakas mang BV ng parents ko :|
The Kev says
15 years ago
I will eat your brain \(^OnO^)/
The Kev says
15 years ago
Merry Christmas everyone :-D
The Kev will
15 years ago
The Kev will
15 years ago
freeze his Plurk. Bye guys! Hope you have a Merry Christmas! C:
The Kev says
15 years ago
ugh i should like freeze this thing.