6Friends 7Fans
female Toronto, ON, Canada
Its no hard to be friends. Just be open minded with me, and we'll be close c: I like skinny jeans and people. Im fun and dont miss a second of life. Tell me about you.
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
WOAH, 54.54.... (yea)
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
life for the next 5 weeks = fucking HELL.
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
imagine if life had an intermission.
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
chips. THAT IS ALL.
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
hooooray for mah Karma (yea)
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago we're a great pair <3
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
Plurk= my getaway to a site where i dont even want CLOSE friends to see whats on my mind.
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
so, today was pretty awesome~ although in a way, fuck my life.
CainsVengeance says
13 years ago
is it weird to like a 20 uear old? a lot.