callie cline
700Friends 612Fans
female so caL, CA, United States
an ordinary girl in an
extraordinary world

SL character • RL character
creator for KittyCatS! •modeL • designer • writer • brand consultant • entrepreneur • spokesavatar • content creator
callie cline
12 months ago 5
drive by hello... been so long!!!
callie cline
1 years ago 2 you're invited to the cutest UGLY SWEATER party ever!
callie cline
1 years ago 2
handcarved wooden kitties... from days gone by out now!
callie cline
1 years ago 16
drive by hello from my new house in Idaho! CRAZY... and I LOVE IT!! wow...
callie cline
1 years ago 17
Do you ever think about how we're on a planet in outerspace, spinning in the middle of nowhere... and we sorta won the planet lottery... and it all happens so fast... we are here, then gone... just thinking about how crazy life is... and how i lose perspective of the "big" picture LOL... which is that i'm somewhere lost in space! hahah
callie cline
1 years ago 10
I hope everyone has time today to notice what is GOOD and KIND and LOVING, because it's all still out there... even though at times it seems like it's not. I notice I can choose where to put my focus and it's NOT easy on a lot of days/moments/seconds... LOL..
callie cline
1 years ago
dragons!!! out now for a limited time!
callie cline
1 years ago 1 out now!! for a limited time!
callie cline
1 years ago 7
Does anyone live in Idaho?
callie cline
1 years ago 3 out now at the Ren Fair to benefit ACS. they come with special food.... a turkey leg on a platter for the boy and pumpkin tart for the girl :-)