2Friends 5Fans
female Baguio, Philippines
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
what's next? examz..
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
paper paper paper! when will it ever stop! urgh! -feminism reflection paper, legal journal, thesis editting, philosophy of logic lecture!
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
(dance)congratz kat! mwah!
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
miSsin' my tAtayyZzzzz! :-D
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
this day is gonna be a very wonderful day woooot WoooOOOoot
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
missin' my f4 tatayz... mwwwaaaaahh! hope to see em vEerrrrryyyyy SzzzOOOooon!
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
waaaaAAAaaah got the chance to hear my other tatay's voice again .. :-D *happpyyyy* miss you tito Jun..
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
im sOoooo confused..am definitely not oveEEerrr it yeeeETtttt! urgh!
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
help me.. tell me wat to do..
butterflyPrincesz says
15 years ago
woooooooohhh feel like going to quantum hehehehehehe