6Friends 1Fans
female Singapore
I love my family, friends, and my bunnies Apple and Fruit and also those who care for me and that I care for them too! :-) I love to have fun and be care-free! I don't like scary stuff, hate them...
bunnyd0ts is
15 years ago
tired cause of the dance and singing practice during her class just now...half of her life is gone (sick) (: (annoyed)
bunnyd0ts is
15 years ago
(hungry) (music) (tears) (tongue) (unsure) (highfive) (dance) (blush) (K)
bunnyd0ts is
15 years ago
yeah!got new emotions:-(K) (angry) (annoyed) (wave) B-) (cozy) (sick) (: (goodluck) (griltongue) (mmm)
bunnyd0ts is
15 years ago
going for class now... byes
bunnyd0ts wants
15 years ago
extra exclusive emotions!!! :-o
bunnyd0ts will
15 years ago
be performing a dance at Singapore Ex'po for the Family Day :-D
bunnyd0ts shares
15 years ago
Coraline Web Trailer HD
bunnyd0ts feels
15 years ago
that the movie she watched yesterday,<Coraline> is errie and gross :-&
bunnyd0ts says
15 years ago
that she going out now to see movie with her mummy and daddy :-D byeiees
bunnyd0ts says
15 years ago
that is feels less guilty cause she is doing the asknlearn...not nice, hate it,troublesome... :-o