16Friends 13Fans
male Philippines
-aw! aw! in english: ruff! ruff!
-loves to dance
-loves to eat leche flan!
bungot loves
15 years ago
sneaking out while the cat is asleep!
bungot shares
15 years ago
friends: LABAD AKO ULO!
bungot shares
15 years ago
Orifiel is the Angel of the Forests!aheheh :-))
bungot says
15 years ago
thank you to FAcebook!
15 years ago
adds: my Angel Name is Orifiel the Angel of the Forests
bungot wants
15 years ago
more karma points!
bungot shares
15 years ago
my result from a Fb trivia: Anong klaseng street food ka? at ang resulta ay Balut
15 years ago 2
shares: Cute Name is Moogliebabycakes.... :-D
bungot loves
15 years ago
the results of his Facebook trivias.ahehehh
bungot says
15 years ago
call me: FURRY SCRUFFY aheheh