18Friends 22Fans
bulebali says
15 years ago
Transformer 2 : www.warez-bb.org/viewtop...
bulebali says
15 years ago
Transformer : Revenge of The Fallen is Premier today!!! www.transformersmovie.co...
bulebali says
15 years ago
Ayo gabung di plurknya bule... www.plurk.com/bulebali/i...
bulebali says
15 years ago
Microsoft bagi2 antivirus gratis dan RINGAN!! www.microsoft.com/securi...
bulebali says
15 years ago
'going forward may not be the answer'. 'maybe i should go back' and forget everything that has happen before.
bulebali says
15 years ago
keseleo oh keseleo... Jadi pincang deh.. :-)
15 years ago
tlh trjd angin puting beliung di kota agung, tanggamus, lampung. Mmbtuhkan bantuan medis. Tolong disebarkan.
bulebali is
15 years ago
watching AVATAR AANG complete season 3. book of Fire. Busy!
bulebali says
15 years ago
Good morning everybody!!!! Ave a wunderful day!!!!!!
bulebali is
15 years ago
going home.... Tired... :-)