174Friends 142Fans
female Manado, Indonesia
little bit silent.. but friendly...
i LOVE Green.. i am GREEN Maniac.. :-P
bucuuuu is
13 years ago 3
terusssssssssssss dan terus belajar.. (dance)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
bel berbunyiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. waktunya kls.. hoho (woot)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago 2
I Miss U...... (cozy)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
yah, sekarang waktunya..!! let's go.....
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
menunggu meeting.. !! (woot)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
berhenti berharap..:-)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
still at campus.. !! :-)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
video.vivanews.com/read/...... Pembalap MotoGP Marco Simoncelli Meninggal di Sirkuit Sepang
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
Cnta sjati mndengar yg tdk dktakan,mngerti apa yg tdk djelaskan,sbb cnta tdk dtg dr bi2r,lidah & pkiran melainkan dr hati.. (heart)
bucuuuu is
13 years ago
The first reaction is always the truest reaction. Don't be fake. Be true to yourself and people will love you for you who you are.. :-)