19Friends 6Fans
male Singapore
bryantanglovesweikee is
15 years ago
finding confederates for his experiment =/
bryantanglovesweikee is
15 years ago
pissed off at the fked up internet that he has =/
bryantanglovesweikee wishes
15 years ago
and hopes that his baby will not have SDL due this week or rather tonight:-)
bryantanglovesweikee has
15 years ago
insomnia rarr wtf sia
bryantanglovesweikee has
15 years ago
a really awesome baby who loves him alot:-)
bryantanglovesweikee thinks
15 years ago
that his baby is happy that he manage to survive eating with 27 other family members at a chinese dinner :-D
bryantanglovesweikee hopes
15 years ago
that everyone will have an awesome, sexy/handsome new year =D
bryantanglovesweikee feels
15 years ago 8
bryantanglovesweikee has
15 years ago 5
just finish eating the beef lasagna he and baby made just now =D
bryantanglovesweikee wishes
15 years ago 4
GG and BAPO happy 1 year anniversary =D