56Friends 17Fans
female Turlock, CA, United States
brenda_archer says
15 years ago
I went for a walk today in the arboretum, with the cool weather it was nice. Now I'm eating fresh cherries, yum. :-) Hope you all are well.
brenda_archer says
15 years ago 5
so my WoW friend is on vacation. will I have enough willpower to not spend the next four hours in PR&S?
brenda_archer wonders
15 years ago 6
I couldn't get into Plurk at all last night. Did that happen to anyone else?
brenda_archer feels
15 years ago 5
a little guilty because I am too tired to plurk tonight. my friend wore me out teaching me wow. but it was fun.
brenda_archer needs
15 years ago 4
sleep. better head for bed in a bit... nite all
brenda_archer is
15 years ago 11
too tired to catch up with plurks or twitters etc. I hope you are having a lovely evening.
brenda_archer says
15 years ago 3
83 new responses. heh. if I don't reply to something, I'm not ignoring you. I'll have passed out from sleep deprivation
brenda_archer says
15 years ago 5
I am very sleepy and should go home and crash
brenda_archer says
15 years ago
well, I should crash soon. right, I say this all the time about now don't I ?
brenda_archer wonders
15 years ago 3
am I the only one who goes to the mobile version of plurk to enable maximum rapid processing of plurks?