108Friends 104Fans
male Makati, Philippines
professional peoplewatcher
15 years ago 3
considers the phrase: "No rest for the wicked" and wonders if it has anything to do with this current situation. :-&
bradgeiser wonders
15 years ago 9
would you streak naked across Ayala ave, during rush hour, for load?
bradgeiser wonders
15 years ago 3
if NTC rule affects affiliate marketing
bradgeiser asks
15 years ago
Affiliate marketing on blogs, How do you feel about it?
bradgeiser asks
15 years ago 8
how do you know when you are being paranoid?
bradgeiser wonders
15 years ago 14
what is the most fun you ever had?
bradgeiser wonders
15 years ago 47
how you describe GOD?
bradgeiser wonders
16 years ago 16
what your homer gift would be?
bradgeiser wonders
16 years ago 37
why there are no vigilante bloggers in RP?
bradgeiser is
16 years ago 7
at chef laudico's bistro filipino at the fort. what should I order here?