10Friends 99Fans
male Stanford, CA, United States
I leave as I enter, another boy caught in between. Web architect and writer, seeker of truth, pleasure, and laughter...mostly laughter.
boycaught says
13 years ago
"Design is meant to be understood, while art is meant to be interpreted." — — how do you value design?
boycaught says
13 years ago
it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away...
boycaught says
13 years ago
>> "I never much cared for comments...I don't care what most people have to say." Ev Williams, Blogger & Twitter creator—
boycaught says
13 years ago
I don't think that life is all that mysterious. Most people simply don't pay attention to the world around them.
boycaught says
13 years ago
Incompetent people too ignorant to know it — — but this doesn't apply to you, just those other clowns, and Congress
boycaught says
13 years ago
6 things rich people need to stop saying— —like #6: "Well, $500,000 a year might sound like a lot, but I'm hardly rich."
boycaught says
13 years ago
now THAT wake nice jolt early in the morning! I am awake now -- sf quake
boycaught says
13 years ago
they're venturing into the philosophy of what it means to be human tonight, on TheWalkingDead—deep zombie sh*t!
boycaught says
13 years ago
cigarettes stink. the aroma. the air around you. your clothes. your kiss. please don't stink. kthxbai! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
boycaught says
13 years ago
Lost Weekend: catch a teensy bit of NBA All-Star and Oscars joints—but don't much care for most players and haven't seen most of the films