68Friends 83Fans
male Baltimore, MD, United States
Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent.
- Sophia Lauren

bottlepop17 says
15 years ago 6
what a desolated plurk.
bottlepop17 says
15 years ago
bottlepop17 has
15 years ago
not yet got over on his six flags experience. too courageous to ride the Mind Eraser, next stop.. Superhuman!
bottlepop17 says
15 years ago
its LAAG time.
bottlepop17 is
15 years ago
plurking at school again
bottlepop17 says
15 years ago
friday is the day!
bottlepop17 says
15 years ago 2
yey wa klase monday. labor day. aw.
bottlepop17 says
15 years ago
it's a busy day today
bottlepop17 is
15 years ago
plurking at school. :-)
bottlepop17 is
15 years ago 1
exhausted. ugh one subject to go and i'll gonna end my 1st week of class. :-(