29Friends 55Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
I knit, therefore, I am...
bonnemarie says
15 years ago 4
WOW! I slept late this morning...
bonnemarie says
15 years ago 9
I see Cold People!!
bonnemarie says
15 years ago 8
TGIF! to all the Plurkers in the chilly A.M.
bonnemarie gives
15 years ago 6
a shout out to all of us FREEZING in Middle America! WARMIES to No. & So. Dakota & Minnesota~!
bonnemarie thinks
15 years ago 2
filling up with green tea is body antifreeze when it's -9 degrees! DRESS WARm, my Plurkinistas...
bonnemarie is
15 years ago 1
shouting Shiver Me Timbers, Maties! It's @#!% frigid out there!!!
bonnemarie is
15 years ago 1
completely bundled up in layers to work outside.
bonnemarie is
15 years ago 7
getting ready to go to the Handmade Market at the Empty Bottle (noon) and visit some handspun yarn.
15 years ago 6
Bonne Marie can't stop playing Scrabble on her phone...
bonnemarie loves
15 years ago 2
a nice hot cuppa green tea in the morning.