had a memorable time w highschool classmates & batchmates reminiscing our highschool days & talking our future plans 4 our batch!
dinner and meeting with my highschool batchmates. glad to see them after 19years.
"It's so easy to fall in love but hard to find someone who will catch you."- Anonymous
RT@KerryShook: There are many things you can do, but only a few things you are called to do.
"the failure to reach the nations is the failure of the CHURCH."- Dr. Jun Escosar
"the reason there's a BIBLE because there's a MISSION."-Dr. Jun Escosar
what a pleasant surprise for my wife & for a friend. God is good all the time!
"Never follow a leader who seeks to build their platform through constantly tearing down the platform of others."- Perry Noble
Pride is a spiritual Cancer: It eats up the very possibilty of love, or contentment, or even common sense.--C.S.Lewis
When our insufficiency is revealed, we can trust the All-powerful and All sufficient God.-Ptr Gilbert Foliente