10Friends 17Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
Undergraduate Students
bobbypratama is
15 years ago 1
gaining more energy to surpass activation energy of writing thesis :-P *feels unsure about this grammar*
15 years ago
ngambil data bwt TA dari jam 11am :-&
bobbypratama is
15 years ago
searching his "Curriculum Vitae" on campus server from Purwakarta. So annoying X-(
bobbypratama says
15 years ago 2
sumpah, kacrut banget, ngewawancara orang dari jam 8.00 sampe jam 15.30, kasian yang akhir2 udah gak gw dengerin lagi (LOL)
bobbypratama is
15 years ago 3
writing email on behalf of the 'Leakage Group' to Mr. Professor about our Final Project Meeting
bobbypratama hopes
15 years ago 1
that this morning lasted forever :-P
bobbypratama is
15 years ago
just woke up, still a little bit dizzy :-&
bobbypratama is
15 years ago 2
updating his plurk :-D
bobbypratama thinks
16 years ago
himself as cupu person, masa gak kelihatan tulisan fans, malu deh (LOL)
bobbypratama is
16 years ago 2
Mulai Nge-plurk :-D