It's good to be back home in Canadia! And now I can get to tags.
Animus intro up! Next on the list - catching up with Vatheon stuff. Boy oh boy-o.
I'M BACK and now I can finally get some canon review done (kinda) since exams are over... I am now done with math FOREVER mostly.
really, really tired today. not getting around to tags, probably.
Ahaha, looks like that break should come sooner than I thought. And I still have a post left to tag :/
[school] Yeah, I'm leaving those silly french vocab questions for midnight again.
Tagged, sorry it took so long /)(\ Came down with a cold this weekend.
I thought I couldn't do it, but I did it! Inbox is cleared!
[P4G] Jesus christ Marie is so annoying. I hope she gets better as the link progresses.