25Friends 35Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
I'm a language arts teacher at St. Helens High School and substitute for over 12 districts in the Portland metro area.
16 years ago 2
Good morning everyone! I'm writing cover letters today - what skills/qualities would you want your first year teachers to have?
bleckley asks
16 years ago
anyone know any blogs written by PE teachers?
bleckley shares
16 years ago
bleckley asks
16 years ago
what are the advantages to district required reading and how do you teach it?
16 years ago 6
I can't believe I missed talk like a pirate day! I always seem to forget about it somehow (seriously). I save up all my pirate stuff for it.
bleckley asks
16 years ago 8
how is it that The Adventures of Huck Finn doesn't qualify as YA literature?
bleckley asks
16 years ago 73
what are the arguments for teaching the literature of dead white guys?
16 years ago
Good morning everyone
16 years ago
cirix: Question - here in OR, where all gas is full service, is it customary to tip the person pumping for you?
bleckley has
16 years ago 2
finished moving to Portland and now needs to work on plurking and blogging more regularly. I just have trouble getting into the flow.