2Friends 10Fans
female Manila, Philippines
A self-proclaimed genius and an avid adventurer, she lives in her own little world which lies somewhere in her cerebral cortex. Presently she is learning how to play the piano and program JavaScript.

blazifay says
15 years ago
"Merry Christmas" in advance!! She'll be inactive for the holiday season. Have a blast~! :-)
blazifay has
15 years ago
a new awesome layout~! (and thinks of changing it again tomorrow!! XD)
15 years ago
just discovered the wonderful world of JavaScript~!
blazifay asks
15 years ago
you to look at her most recent "project":
blazifay says
15 years ago
"HELLOW!!" to her friends~ :-D
blazifay needs
15 years ago
to finish her drawing FAST!! XD
15 years ago
's class just scored 2nd place in the COSPLAY earlier.
blazifay feels
15 years ago
very tired after 8 hours of choir practice with some video shooting.
blazifay wants
15 years ago
you to take look at this: evercoated.files.wordpre...?
blazifay feels
15 years ago
pretty bored :-(