26Friends 28Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Reading is my passion
And no one can stop me from imagining
Learning is my strength
And no one can stop me from exploring
Listening is my hobby
You can count on me always
Writing is my explanation
Whenever I feel silenced
And God is my inspi
Einzigartige says
11 years ago
I have not been opening my account for a long time
Einzigartige says
12 years ago
I should be writing my Government paper right this moment!
Einzigartige says
12 years ago
Excuses to apologize are useless. I look for the possiblity
Einzigartige says
12 years ago
Einzigartige says
12 years ago
eff life
12 years ago
Too bad I was always losing, so now my face looks more hilarious than a clown's
12 years ago
Played 1-2-3 pass and drew funny things in the loser's face
12 years ago 2
Need to write a paper.praying for God to help me with it and get at least a B
12 years ago 6
Slept for more than an hour..sighs still need to do some studying
Einzigartige says
12 years ago
Oh God please....cover your mouth and shush just for one day.