5Friends 17Fans
female Eureka, CA, United States
16 years ago
talks like a pirate! Yarrrrrrrr!
blackunicorn is
16 years ago
eating a drumstick and dawdling...inking hurts my back:-(
blackunicorn is
16 years ago
so excited about what's coming to SnoogleZoo a week from today!
blackunicorn needs
16 years ago 1
a plan to fix SnoogleZoo and make it more useable!
blackunicorn will
16 years ago 1
just go eat lunch and forget about Plurk for another month (LOL)
blackunicorn wonders
16 years ago
also how plurks are stacked vertically in the timeline. Is there a rhyme and reason or is it arbitrary?
blackunicorn is
16 years ago
confused by plurk's interface- what's the diff btwn a friend and a fan? Why aren't fans automatically made friends when you friend them? wtf
blackunicorn has
16 years ago 3
another headache. They're coming every day like clockwork. What's up with that? :-&
blackunicorn has
16 years ago 2
no karma at all! Oh Noes! :-o