6Friends 1Fans
female Orlando, FL, United States
7 years ago 1
Oh, Radio Classics, why you play 2 hours of Detective shows when I gotta start work? 😢
7 years ago
That moment when Claudia Black likes your tweet. 😮🤣❤️👍😱
bizarra says
7 years ago
I am so over kids today. If your kid keeps trying to grab our performer, here's a thought... get her someplace where she can't get to the performer. Our performer should not have to alter her performance to stay away from your kid. X-( X-(
bizarra says
7 years ago
Caught up with my tags. Should really go to sleep before I get sucked into this Phillip Marlowe movie starring Richard Diamond. :-D
7 years ago 12
Time for my bumpout!
bizarra says
7 years ago 2
I have tags to do but I'm tired.... I'll get to them tomorrow.
7 years ago 3
Monday (for me) morning at the Mouse House. Here's hoping for a good day! Please be nice to me guests, it's my Monday. :'-(
bizarra says
7 years ago
I've started to play Fallen London. It's really interesting, but, I'm still trying to figure it out.
bizarra says
7 years ago 4
I think I'm going to like this. Love that you can have a conversation with someone! What a concept! Someone gets what the word 'social' actually means!
bizarra is
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
The Eleventh Doctor @ ohanamods on DW