3Friends 11Fans
male Hsinchu, Taiwan
bishopgang 期待
15 years ago 1
Everyone around can pass the semester safely and have a good vacation.
15 years ago
With the three hopes, let me share the first two,
15 years ago 2
rurumi 哇哈哈,我又開始pu了,降可以吧,笨河馬。 :-D
bishopgang 期待
15 years ago 1
DACIN for the Championship. You can do it. I have strongly believe so.
15 years ago 1
這個周末全部都是basketball阿~~~~~魔術、達欣好可惜,湖人好驚險。希望明天湖人、達欣能雙雙開出紅盤喔。GO LAKERS, GO DACIN. Both for the win. :-D
bishopgang 分享
15 years ago 1
Kobe Bryant 40pts vs Carmelo Anthony 39pts 08/09 NBA Playoff *K-Mart Blocks Kobe*Lakers 1-0*Must See The great game, the great match. 24, My Forever Star. LAKERS Go, for the win.
15 years ago 1
bishopgang 希望
15 years ago 3
Lakers win the significant battle, the GAME 7~~ Be the Lakers I've hope, be likely the team for the champion. Go~~My LAKERS!!!!!!
bishopgang 分享
15 years ago 1
This is really funny. Kobe和LBJ的公仔好有趣。 MVPs - Kobe &amp; LeBron (Three Rings)
15 years ago 2
今天打球好累阿,睡眠不足又去做激烈運動,應該不會有事吧= =,死河馬準的哭八,是要我去懺悔就對了。我好不准阿阿阿阿~~~打完球後,一定要去‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧洗澡的啦 :-D