65Friends 23Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
I knit, am a new spinner, and have just knit my first garment.
I'm going to SSK for the second year in a row this July!
bionickristie says
11 years ago
Hello, all! Glad this day is half over... was a rough start.
bionickristie says
11 years ago
StealthDragon. My bag came yesterday and I LOVE it so much!!
bionickristie says
11 years ago 1
Must do taxes today... Then I can play with yarn. Why am I such a procrastinator?
bionickristie says
11 years ago
StealthDragon I check my mailbox everyday... just waiting and wishing your bag was here!
bionickristie says
11 years ago 1
TurtlePurl my yarn came yesterday - it is GORGEOUS! Thank you so much! Two obligation projects to finish then these are going on the needles FAST
bionickristie says
11 years ago
Have seriously fallen off the wagon... Been shopping on Etsy. My first Lollipop update ever, Turtlepurl, two new project bags...
bionickristie wants
11 years ago
this day to be on warp speed... little league knitting tonight! And it's not supposed to rain! Yay Spring!
bionickristie says
12 years ago 2
Started my first ever two at a time socks tonight! So scared... But excited!
bionickristie says
12 years ago
Headed to sleep... If only tomorrow wasn't Monday...
bionickristie says
12 years ago
stealthdragon I haven't looked, but have you put a special order up in your shop for my custom sweater bag? :-D