NaiLo Ren.
51Friends 76Fans
female San Jose, CA, United States
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago 81
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 75
guys. Even prequelmemes a place that vocally hates the new trilogy is trending demanding a JJ cut
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 8
( // rp ) and before i head out and probably forget to check plurk until Sunday afternoon. I just need you all to know that I, Naima Hieronymus Bosch, on the first day of 2020. Made a Jojo reference in my tag.
Oh, you're approaching me?
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 24
gonna do my make up for the first time in a couple weeks again. I hate waking up this early
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 3
I'm actually trying to come up with a japanese name for this for fun. I KNOW I HAD ONE jfc. Lemme see if I can remember it
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 318
( quick intro plurk because i got new people on here)
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 125
( TAROT PLURK ) Come one come all I need to get my brain back on track in some way. Y'all know the drill. Ask a question, get a card roasting.
NaiLo Ren.
5 years ago 19
(lots) welp lets see what it is this year