59Friends 46Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
just a man, if you can see the sky, you can see the cloud, but you can't find me there
bilhasry says
15 years ago 5
saat linus torvald membangun UNIX, kita lagi ngapain yah??
bilhasry says
15 years ago 29
Makanan apa yah yang paling sering dicari anak kecil>>>
bilhasry says
15 years ago
MySQL is lack when i install XAMPP, tell me how can???
bilhasry says
15 years ago 22
steve jobs in Apple, Steve BAllmer in Microsoft, good job steve
bilhasry says
15 years ago 13
lanjutkan terus cita-citamu nak, jangan berhenti berlari
bilhasry says
15 years ago 39
time to work hard
bilhasry is
15 years ago 3
just new login in plurk