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female IN, United States
16 years ago
The more upset Fox News gets over the weather, the less it rains. Maybe if one of them throws a chair, the tornado will go away.
16 years ago
During blizzards/tornadoes, I'm always tempted to order a pizza and then go "Naw, I'm just kiddin'." I'm kinda a jerk that way.
16 years ago
Fox Chicago has just informed me that I'm having severe weather. As if the collection of lawn furniture in my yard was not a clue.
16 years ago
Would it be really terrible to make some popcorn? I know, I know, impending death, but I'd rather die with a full stomach.
16 years ago
32,000 homes without power. NIPSCO is pissing themselves with fear at all those irate phone calls.
16 years ago
Have distracted husband from impending death via offending him by referring to him as Dudley Do-Right.
16 years ago
This 'waiting for tornado' is really interfering with my dinner-making and not-dying plans for tonight.
16 years ago
NO, Dudley Do-Right, you don't get to leave to go check on everyone else! My husband = idealistic ass.
16 years ago
If the wind blows patio furniture in my yard, and it's better than mine, I can keep it, right?
16 years ago
If I die from tornado, remember me as I lived: smug, antisocial, vulgar and non-deceased.