Between Bites
251Friends 465Fans
female Philippines
I have a voracious appetite for the good life! I can’t stop eating. Between bites, I am peddling dreams, taking photos, hitting my drums, boxing, and eveything else I can squeeze in between...
Between Bites shares
12 years ago
Between Bites is
12 years ago
looking at Multiply photos. It's funny how time flies. Old photos. Hope to find the one I'm looking for.
Between Bites says
12 years ago
I sort of miss D...
Between Bites says
12 years ago
I’m fixing my fasting plans and faith goals tonight. Definitely fasting SNS… soon.
Between Bites says
12 years ago
Or was that from this weekend? Haha
Between Bites says
12 years ago
The corn and tuna soup for late lunch was too salty. I still can feel the taste of saline. :-&