35Friends 22Fans
female Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
bertas loves
16 years ago 3
Fawlty Towers :-)
bertas thinks
16 years ago
her dog is a bit insane. Why the proclivity for snotty tissues?
16 years ago
things I learned watching Hell's kitchen :-)
bertas says
16 years ago
check out the last BSG blog carnival for this year over at Remote Access
bertas says
16 years ago
I should start eating breakfast.
bertas says
16 years ago
one cat on the roof, one cat is looking like a dirty old whore (hes been out all night) and the dog is waiting to be taken out.
bertas feels
16 years ago
I have been sitting in front of the comp long enough today
bertas feels
16 years ago
like an old person.have to put that smelly stuff veteran athletes use for their injuries cos I managed to twist my ankle this morning
bertas is
16 years ago
starving. but at least I made progress with today's to-do list.
bertas has
16 years ago
a dodgy ankle