0Friends 15Fans
female Caloocan, Philippines
▬ i am d' author
of my life .
i am writinq in
pen, and i can't
erase my miStakeS
bÜt maybE somEday
GOD wiLL qive me
a chancE to cOrrEct
aLL of it .. :'[[ ▬

◘ eun oh . hihi
add me pu hÜh ..
mamatx .. ◘

▬► 미요웅
bhea says
14 years ago
╒╝BYE muna .. babaLik din aco !! (LOL)
bhea says
14 years ago
♦dandang hapon .. :-)) (LOL)
bhea feels
14 years ago
sleepy .. :']
bhea hates
14 years ago
people who always JUDGE me for who I AM NOT !!
bhea hates
14 years ago
people who always judge me for who i am NOT !
bhea is
14 years ago 1
haixx ..