49Friends 13Fans
female Vernian Sea, New Babbage, Second life
Firestorm viewer developer
New Babbage Steampunk
Fantasy Faire World Builder
rez day 14/4/2007 (birthday offset to prevent plurk thinking I am underage)
Beq is
14 years ago 1
sitting, hoping for a hung parliment followed by a mature "get on with it" attitude. (goodluck)
Beq has
14 years ago 4
returned from a school trip to a castle. Exhausted...
Beq hopes
14 years ago 1
dinner will be ready before the daleks are on and that the girls let me watch it
Beq has
14 years ago 11
started her 4th year in SL. Thank you all for helping make it a place I still want to be.
Beq says
14 years ago 2
hello Star!! Welcome to the end of yourt life as you knew it. Free will has been absorbed you are now part of the Plurk
Beq is
14 years ago 8
trying to watch the new doctor who. "quiet children please!"
Beq is
14 years ago 6
breaking her plurk silence to bring you this ......
Beq says
15 years ago 11
Dear Lindens, WTF!!!!!