69Friends 1Fans
male Lima, Peru
Just a dude, dude.
2 months ago 8
Fantasy High | Okay, how deep is this rabbit hole? I kinda wanna try seeing nerds play DnD since I don't have time to do mmyself
2 months ago 7
Ever had so many things you want to do that you freeze and don't do shit?
2 months ago 29
taking a brief rest to quietly despair about apping here again with Beta
2 months ago 17
suffers in Victoria but also I love writing walls of text full of pain, send help
2 months ago 4 @Edit 2 months ago
sorry for the double plurk but here, have an angy Tara having her coffee on the mingle thread and lmk if you want tags!
2 months ago 16
| worm/ward cries in the absolute nightmare that is picking a good canon point
2 months ago 14
Okay, now that my legal woes in Portugal are over (for now...) I gotta go back to RP
2 months ago 3
holy fuck i had A WEEK