43Friends 13Fans
female Florence, Italy
♀ CristELLe is tHe name.! 18 is tHe aGe.! Florence Is thE pLace.!

You CAnT gAiN evErytHinG wIthoUt SufferIng..!

◘. Live In tHe momenT.
◘. LeaRn FroM tHe PasT
◘. DreAm FoR tHe FutUre..!
bellema24 shares
13 years ago 3
practising!! XD 110703 | A Pink - It Girl
bellema24 is
13 years ago 9
studying ... X[
bellema24 hates
13 years ago
fake people!!!!!! (angry)
bellema24 says
13 years ago 2
내가제일잘나가! :-)
13 years ago 16
gwapo gwapo gwapo *.*
bellema24 is
13 years ago 1
saying __goodnight people!!__
bellema24 is
13 years ago 5
thinking .... ...
bellema24 hopes
13 years ago 17
that i will have a good day ;-)
13 years ago 1
my motto in my life.. You CAnT gAiN evErytHinG wIthoUt SufferIng..!.. :-)
bellema24 is
13 years ago 3
going to sleeppppppppp!!! goodnight people! :-)