6Friends 0Fans
male Yogyakarta, Indonesia
becco says
14 years ago
Battery status now at 9%. Log: usage 3 hours 54 minutes, standby 7 hours 58 minutes. Boros kah?
becco is
14 years ago
going to Ambarukmo Plaza for gathering with some friends jamanSMP, laresae nyusul klo mo gabung, Wirawan will be at there as well
becco says
14 years ago
I frequently more to use Facebook again because of the elegant Facebook for iPhone
becco says
14 years ago
Alhamdulillah, today MRCell's turnover is IDR 10mill
becco says
14 years ago
Kirim email ke 30 temen make Windows Live Hotmail, ditegur Microsoft dikira bot spammer. Skrg (sementara) gak bisa send email loncatjurang
becco says
14 years ago
Research is I'm doing what I don't know
becco says
14 years ago
WindowsLive Exchange Server is useful! Secara contact di MS Outlook & HP syncronized; edit/add/del dr PC otamatis di HP brubah, n sebaliknya
becco says
14 years ago
Javanese tradition universally speaks of a personage called Saka, variously termed warrior, priest, and god.
becco says
14 years ago
Just purchased A Visit to Java, a book by William Bassil Worsfold on iBook store for free
becco says
14 years ago
Bentar lagi panen gandum 2 petak kite (#FarmVille)