6Friends 4Fans
female Cypress, CA, United States
14 years ago
The most beautiful feeling is to see the person u love smiling, and its even more beautiful to know that YOU are the reason behind it. <3
14 years ago 1
I consider myself like a crayon. I might not be your favorite color but one day you're going to need me to complete your picture.
14 years ago 3
Rearrange these words: 1) PNEIS 2) HTIELR 3) NGGERI 4) BUTTSXE. Did you read: Spine, lither, ginger and subtext? >:-))))
14 years ago 3
Anyone ever notice the word "DIE" in diet?!
omgitsxyza says
14 years ago 1
whoever made up the 2012 "end of the world" rumor is a complete idiot! the worlds not gonna end because my yogurt expires in 2013!
omgitsxyza says
14 years ago 1
knowing a person is like music, what attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics.
omgitsxyza says
14 years ago 1
Dear whoever is reading this, you're beautiful and someone out there is crazy about you. So smile. Life is too short to be unhappy. :-)
omgitsxyza is
14 years ago 1
Women are like magic; They can get wet without water, bleed without injury, and make boneless things get hard :-))
omgitsxyza is
14 years ago
omgitsxyza is
14 years ago
kaka gutom.. adddddddddddddd