Beba Macka
4Friends 0Fans
female Tayüan, Taiwan
超越自我~To exceeding the capability of my individual;
追尋人生極致的限度~To track down the extreme limits of the life; 邁向卓越~To march toward the remarkable way;
翱翔生命無盡的天空~To hover the life as the endless sky.
Beba Macka
12 years ago 3
睡不著。。。怎辦??? (tears)
Beba Macka
12 years ago 1
Do you know?... In the world....there is no the true love...just people wanna someone to be with them, do not make themselves feel lonely.
Beba Macka
12 years ago 2
Beba Macka
12 years ago 2
Beba Macka likes
12 years ago 1
Beba Macka shares
12 years ago
痞客邦的新文章 Back To The Past
Beba Macka shares
12 years ago 2
痞客邦的新文章 今天,不是我的生日
Beba Macka shares
12 years ago 2
痞客邦的新文章 Because Of You
Beba Macka says
12 years ago 1