75Friends 36Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
baupi wonders
14 years ago
[ReP] Jason Collett!!! Rat A Tat Tat new album!! (music)
baupi wonders
14 years ago
[ReP] 天天天天穿!Christopher在我身上 (mmm)
baupi wonders
14 years ago 2
[ReP] Girls (dance) 年終榜必聽佳作!
baupi wonders
14 years ago 1
Why are people so mean to each other? :-(
baupi says
15 years ago 2
[ReP] 庫斯杜力卡新片再度跟強尼戴普合作 (dance) 我超愛亞利桑那夢遊的說!片名是Seven Friends of Pancho Villa and the Woman With Six Fingers!
baupi says
15 years ago
跑去聽David Lachapelle竟然忘了拿海報,讓我抱怨一下 (angry) 不過他講的還不賴!
baupi feels
15 years ago 2
[ReP] 聽說國賓接手學者耶!大同學弟妹爽翻了(dance) 蹺課看電影的回憶真好!
baupi feels
15 years ago 2
We are just more sensitive than any other ordinary people :-(
baupi says
15 years ago 1
阿莫多瓦回顧展 即將登場?!那可以跟國外一樣來個潘妮洛普回顧展嗎 (goodluck)
baupi says
15 years ago
[Re此噗]12/5【林生祥與大竹研+巴奈】風塵僕僕來到 Legacy Taipei。你轉噗我送票!轉噗、回應、加好友!即有機會抽中門票或現場飲料乙杯!活動至12/3中午12點止!因為生祥與巴奈,這個冬天暖和了起來