1Friends 4Fans
United Kingdom
i'm a bitch with a backstory :3
2 days ago
twitter is sm better actually bru i love twitter
2 days ago
PRIDE MONTH IS FINALLY OVER! I don't have to act gay now. :]
4 days ago
i make cai bots. giggles.
4 days ago
nvm i'm not sorry twitter is better
4 days ago
sorry i'm a twitter user these days, my apologies
4 days ago 1
I hate Americans
1 weeks ago
guys my boyfriend just sent me an essay paragraph of a school trip he went on today i'm so excited to read it i love him so fucking much actually why is he so cute tbh
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/7ci9spuMwd2HrX36pYilzC.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1UcSCKz2qksHxYk5Arl3B3.jpg they are both smashes
1 weeks ago
i forgot about this shitty site