Just got home for the weekend... so tired.
Time to study for my English exam tomorrow... but I don't want to. I learned this crap in high school. :|
Worked at the preschool today and then leveled my druid to 58. Hello, Outlands!
Just emailed my professor about tomorrow, now all that is left is to cuddle Ben by candlelight. :>
Played dominoes with Ben and the family. Power is still out, this sucks.
Still no power but at least the wind has died down. Hopefully it won't rain.
Looks like I won't be driving down to wku yet...
Power has been out for awhile and the wind is crazy bad! Trees are falling over and stop signs are bent!
off to another premarital counseling session
Had a good day at the preschool, going to take a nap now I think... I sound like I AM a preschooler.