12Friends 16Fans
female Manila, Philippines
im batchie :-))
batchie72 says
14 years ago
you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
and who is my neighbor?
batchie72 says
14 years ago
beloved,now we are children of god.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
your law is my delight.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
you cannot see my face;for no man shall see me, and live.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
we have the prophetic word confirmed,which you you do well to heed.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes, and the pride of not of the father.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
do not be deceived,gods is not mocked;for whatever a man sows,that he will also reap.
batchie72 says
14 years ago
do not cash me off in the time of old age;do not forsake me when my strength fails.