15Friends 43Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
I'm just a lazy girl who loves to draw,write somethin', eat, cookin', bakin' some cakes, playin DnD, Star Wars RPG, n boardgames, or just sleepin' under the stars. <(=w=)>

I love pink and loves to stare at the blue sky. yep, i'm a daydreamer
bakashironeko says
14 years ago
nggak di Jakarta, nggak di Bandung sama-sama mengurus yang lagi sakit.. =w=a
bakashironeko says
14 years ago
very very tired and sleepy.. @_@ i can be very sensitive and emotional today..uh oh..
bakashironeko is
14 years ago
having a nite at the hospital with my mom..hope my granny going well sone.. :'3
bakashironeko says
14 years ago
4 bab menunggu.. X'O
bakashironeko says
14 years ago
bakashironeko says
14 years ago
Yup..saya memang hipocrit. :-P
14 years ago
Puas ntn Loedroek! X3
bakashironeko is
14 years ago
bersiap ntn Loedroek. Xp
bakashironeko says
14 years ago
hoh :-D
bakashironeko says
14 years ago