she made me curious and confused
there is 3 possibilities : 1) I'd like to know you 2) I need some one to talk 3) I just getting bored at home
you shouldn't have chatted me that day, so I didn't have through this feeling again. feel broken.
ujungnya balik kyak kmaren2,, emng mungkib udh dasarnya gitu kali ya,,,
tiba tiba muncul d chat dengan menanyakan (who is she) apa yg lgi sya candain d group,. your sudden question ,it's confuse me about what u feel about me once again.
Msh belum sempat dan menyempatkan waktu untk belajar.
if I got the chance to be close with you once again, I'll do it properly,.
.suddenly remember when I letting down a girl feelings which I know I fall in love.
when I see your picture, just remember how we used to talked, your smile, your jokes, your wish, all together. maybe these all just because my mind messed up, or maybe I could only enjoying it with the real you