10Friends 22Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
eccentricity, weirdness, and strangeness is the key towards having a great personality..! :-P
badkitten888 is
15 years ago
perplexed!! she's got fans??? (woot)
badkitten888 is
15 years ago
still lost as to how to find the cases that she needs for her assignment!! :-(
badkitten888 is
15 years ago
really lazy to update her plurks.. :-P
badkitten888 is
15 years ago
confused and stressed!! X-(
badkitten888 is
16 years ago
really needing the loo..oohh...the pull!! :-&
badkitten888 is
16 years ago
needing the loo!! and she cant go anywhere because of the storm outside!! :-(
badkitten888 is
16 years ago 1
feeling crappy coz she cant go home!! there's a storm outside and she's stuck at her faculty!!! X-(
badkitten888 is
16 years ago
X-(crap, crappier, crappiest!! So Help Me God!!!
badkitten888 is
16 years ago
feeling extra crappy!! X-(
badkitten888 is
16 years ago
really should be going home right now.... :-(