11Friends 0Fans
United States
Ayo I'm Eli
I like to draw and cosplay and mostly shitpost.
I am always thinking about dorohedoro
1 years ago 3
I understand why but I'm grumpy bc I don't get holiday pay for the 4th
1 years ago 1
game with
1 years ago
s/o to fndf for making it easy to bring up something thats been bothering me I couldn't find a better group of ppl
1 years ago 2
memory and cognitive issues in general suck because like, when should I be concerned? its all such a gradual slide-- & I've noticed myself struggling to find words more recently and having trouble speaking without stumbling.
1 years ago 1
I feel not great mentally and its frustrating b/c i can't place why aaaaaa
1 years ago 1
i got that like...antsy feeling of Need to Do Something but idk what. I don't wanna put on real pants
1 years ago
I might need to swap out my joycon shells again, it doesn't want to stay snapped in to my switch
bacoose feels
1 years ago

I may as well try getting into asl interpreting again ughhhhhhhhh
1 years ago
I'm on day 5 of this headache turned migraine, and I also didn't get the job I interviewed for and in feeling crunchy
1 years ago 2
i feel so groooooss D:
its a mix of like headache yuk and also body feel no good yuk (probably should eat but i dont wanna spend more money on food delivery services)