115Friends 36Fans
female Columbia, MO, United States
I'm an RN that loves to knit, spin, go to concerts, bake, and read.
baconfairy says
12 years ago 8
I now have internet again! I am SO far behind on podcasts.
12 years ago 7
I've been so quiet because we don't have internet yet at the new house. It will be installed soon!
12 years ago 1
What a beautiful day today! And more of the same tomorrow. Yay!
baconfairy feels
12 years ago 3
like I live at the hardware store. I'm fixing the water heater this afternoon.
baconfairy says
12 years ago
If you ever get a chance to take a class with Jacey Boggs, DO IT! She is truly amazing.
baconfairy says
12 years ago
Day 2 of the Jefferson City Fiber Retreat - Play with Color class and Boucle (with Jacey!)
baconfairy says
12 years ago 2
Painting the second coat on my new bedroom. The color - Neptune Blue!
baconfairy says
12 years ago 8
today we close on our new house!
baconfairy says
12 years ago 6
Good morning! It's super early for me, but I was having dreams of knitting a Honey Cowl.
12 years ago 1
just scored some movie tickets to the True/False Film Fest!