❤‍🔥 Dabi ❤‍🔥
15Friends 1Fans
male United States
i need the css 2 change my plurk box font
can somebody please copy this CSS code and comment it? I can't access the page because I'm on Otto's school computer. I'm reposting because nobody seems to acknowledge me. CSS Font Stack: century gothic Web Font
❤‍🔥 Dabi ❤‍🔥
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
can somebody copy this CSS code and comment it? I can't access the page because I'm on Otto's school computer. CSS Font Stack: century gothic Web Font
Does my profile look good? I like the colors little me picked, but idk if it matches.
🏠Having three people co-front hurts.
🏠Look at me go, using big words. (Chase, you're an idiot.)@baconator - 🏠So, today, somebody asked Otto if he l...
🏠So, today, somebody asked Otto if he lost his virginity. Why? I don't know. He ALSO asked if Otto had ever THOUGHT about losing his virginity. These two are fifteen, and the boy who asked is wearing an anklet. I'm so lost that my leg pain is transferring into Otto. (Joke)
I'm seven. Why am I being shit on for Otto's mistakes?
Getting yelled at by Otto's gf bc her dad is in the hospital & we didn't answer bc we were SLEEPING, then we had to get ready and GO TO SCHOOL. I get that You need comfort girl, but god damn.
🏠Guess who.