ღ. smileees
114Friends 42Fans
female Singapore
Single but unavailable♥
Jurong-ian♥♥ ! ;D
♥Girlfs, BFF, 1C'o9 are loved by me !
retarde-d.bs.com :-D
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago
byebye. Nights. watching 2012 tmr. :-D
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago 9
Hello. :-D Back from my 5hrs sleep. Hehs . :X
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago 1
Damn tired now okayys. >.< Off to sleep. ;X
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago 6
Hello. :-D Back from school. =.=
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago
Byebyes. :-D Nights. :-D
ღ. smileees wonders
15 years ago 11
why it seems tht there are 2 copycats. Hmphzxc. copy me & chermaine. haiyo. Sad-ed for them. haahs. :-P
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago
Hello. :-D Backback. hohos.
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago 1
byebye. off to mahjong. :-D
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago
morninggggg ~
ღ. smileees says
15 years ago
Byebye. off plurk liao. lazy to plurk. ._.