11Friends 10Fans
FgektingL says
13 years ago
feel safer to tweet now :-)
FgektingL says
13 years ago
got a new account for twitter :-)
FgektingL says
13 years ago
sigh, i should not even care in the first place
FgektingL says
13 years ago
what the .__.
FgektingL says
13 years ago
your attitude is the major problem seriously
FgektingL says
13 years ago
how bitchy can you get seriously?
FgektingL says
13 years ago
dog, go and get a life lah. you are just an loser, trying to bring me down all the time because you can't catch up with me
FgektingL says
13 years ago
how childish can you be ah dog?!
FgektingL says
13 years ago
trying to turn the story and become me?
FgektingL says
13 years ago
spreading rumours about me? the story more sounds like you, yourself. _l_