you scolded by no reason,what for?
Your messages, Your voice, Your smile always make me smile.
I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
walauuuuuuuuuu his sound.......Awesome ♥
When I treat you well, don't take things for granted. I'm a much more horrible person when I'm angry.
當你與所愛的人 有爭議的時候
僅限於這個爭議 別把陳年舊帳都翻出來
有些事情 過去就算了 沒人喜歡被揭蒼疤......
分手後 最好不要做朋友 剪不斷 理還亂
過去了就過去了 我們不是生活在過去 而是現在
愛情不等於生活 而只是生活的一部分......